Church Road
NE61 6HQ
Call or text Lorna 07984514992
A Guide to Bikini Shapes
We all have our personal preference to the look of our bikini line. Some like a full hair bikini whilst others opt for full hair removal - whichever your preference whatever your thoughts its your choice that matters to us at Aspen.
Remember once you’ve had IPL/Laser permanent hair removal you can’t change your mind - it’s permanent.
***peri-anal - underneath the front bikini***
Bikini - for a tidy up from where the top of your leg creases and approximately an inch out from your briefs - this does not include underneath (*perianal hair growth)
Brazilian - as much or as little as you like removed and includes perianal - a strip a triangle or all gone - then Brazilian is for you.
The benefits of the Brazilian are that whatever bikini briefs you wear, you don’t need to worry about being exposed - you’ll also achieve improved hygiene and be left with smooth less irritated skin.
Hollywood - this usually refers to a strip of hair often referred to as “landing strip” the width of this strip is individual. some clients go for a very thin line whilst other choose 2-3 inches in width. the choice is yours - this does not include the perianal.
So there you have it and now you know, whether it’s minimal tidy up or all removed the choice is yours.
For your free, discreet and confidential consultation
Call or text Lorna 07984514992