Church Road
NE61 6HQ
Call or text Lorna 07984514992
Ingrown hairs - a painful problem!!
Painful ingrown hairs a common problem when waxing , shaving or plucking -Laser and IPL hair removal can irradiate this forever as the hair is targeted at the root permanently
An ingrown hair typically appears as a raised ,red and often painful bump caused by the hair being trapped underneath the skins surface. If the hair is not removed ,the follicle can often come infected resulting in a sore, puss filed boil like lump.
This slide shows hoe the hair is trapped under the skin -still growing underneath the skin eventually causing a painful often infected raised spot as the hair cannot get out of the follicle which has become sealed .
So how do we treat them?
Laser hair removal permanently reduces hair growth by up to 90%, which also reduces ingrown hairs by 90%. With laser or IPL hair removal, the hair is safely cauterised and will eventually stop growing after a course of treatments—therefore, there will be no more ingrown hairs.
At home maintenance
In the areas where you are prone to ingrown hair, always use a gentle scrub cleanser and an exfoliating mitt. These should only be used after the skin has soaked for at least ten minutes, i.e., during a bath. This will help to release the ingrown hairs. Once dried, use a small amount of antiseptic cream in the area.
DO NOT squeeze the red lumps as this will not only be painful but can cause permanent scarring.
IPL and Laser hair removal not only permanently reduces hair growth but is also the way forward to permanently eradicating the problem of ingrown hairs
Call or text Lorna 07984514992