Church Road
NE61 6HQ
Call or text Lorna 07984514992
Lockdown Locks
Well, none of us could have predicted months ago that we would all be told to stay at home whilst the whole world locked down along side us !
In these unprecedented times we watched open mouthed and incredulous as the effects of a Global pandemic unwound before our very eyes .
However as an eternal optimist my glass is always half full ( or that’s the way I try to keep it!?) as well as the obvious negative effects there were a lot of positives to come out of an enforced personal ,national and world wide lockdown -it gave us ( or the majority of us (Massive respect to all the NHS and key workers who managed in these difficult times to keep us safe and the country moving ) time -just that “time “ to stop and metaphorically 'smell the coffee’ !
We baked (flour was like gold dust !),sorted cleaned ,gardened ourselves into a frenzy and had time to enjoy the fresh air and most of the time the glorious weather!
Never before had we had the time and “no other choice” than to grow our locks and for some “embrace the grey “.
Returning to the salon with a different mind set and varying styling goals - a dream for me as I could begin to cajole and suggest different styles to clients old and new who had unwillingly gone through the painful stage of growing their style out -it was a renewed blank canvas and we all began to appreciate i think without exception how important it is to maintain and love the hair you have -after all your hair is the crown you never take off !
So, as we continue with the uncertainty of a pandemic and its myriad of restrictions, rest assured at Aspen Hair and Beauty, Stannington Nr Morpeth Northumberland, we’ll be ready and willing to style and help you maintain your hair to get the best possible results.
Call or Text Lorna 07984514992
NE61 3JP
Call or Text Lorna 07984514992