Supporting Little Princess Trust -Donating hair in aid of Cancer

Cancer doesn't look at age, race, gender or sexual orientation - it does not discriminate.

A natural hair wig can make such a difference to someone who has lost their hair during cancer treatment helping them to regain their self-esteem and confidence.

At Aspen Hair and Beauty, we support the Little Princess Trust.

When Gaynor came in for her first ever visit to Aspen Hair and Beauty, she arrived with a mane of healthy long natural hair. Ideal to use in wig making. It was during consultation with Lorna that Gaynor decided that she wanted a complete restyle and wanted to take her hair from long to shoulder length.

We discussed during the consultation that it would be such a waste to let the hair simply end up on the salon floor and to be swept into a bin and simply end up on a landfill site!

Between us and we decided on a style and then Lorna secured the hair in a ponytail slightly below the length that the finished style would be - checking before cutting that Gaynor was comfortable at what would be her new style length.


The ponytail could then be sent to Little Princess Trust and used to make more wigs and hairpieces.

Thank you, Gaynor, for your very generous and selfless donation. As an added bonus, Gaynor completely suited her new look!